On The Borderline/ Mental Health

Learning to accept myself: Guilt and Shame

As I said in my previous post, I'm going to be working on guilt & shame, which are subjects that drive me crazy, I punish myself regularly with these emotions and I seem to take responsibility for everyone else actions in a 'it must be me, it usually is' or 'it's me who pushes people… Continue reading Learning to accept myself: Guilt and Shame

On The Borderline/ Mental Health

Not everything that is faced can be changed, But nothing can be changed until its faced.

It's been a bittersweet month, I have had the saddest couple of weeks and the happiest, it's a roller-coaster. I feel like what I can only relate to as a grieving process and it's been exceptionally hard for me, although I have my partner and people around me I feel isolated, alone & misunderstood by  the… Continue reading Not everything that is faced can be changed, But nothing can be changed until its faced.

Life Up North · On The Borderline/ Mental Health

You Have 2 Hands. One To Help Yourself. One To Help Others #worldhomelessday

As well and World Mental Health Day, Today Is World Homeless Day Too. The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to homeless people’s needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness. I want to help to make a difference this winter. I know a local… Continue reading You Have 2 Hands. One To Help Yourself. One To Help Others #worldhomelessday

Bits and bobs

World Mental Health Day 2016 & Me.

Today is World Mental Health Day, his year's theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is psychological first aid and the support people can provide to those in distress. It's also a difficult time of year for me. This time 4 years ago I had just faced that dreaded court case and had been on… Continue reading World Mental Health Day 2016 & Me.

Bits and bobs

36 Things People With Anxiety Want Their Friends to Know

Unanswered text messages. Declined invites. Missed calls. When you live with anxiety, sometimes little aspects of friendship can be hard. But that doesn’t mean people with anxiety can’t maintain friendships. And it doesn’t mean people with anxiety don’t care about their friends. Read more at https://themighty.com/2015/11/things-people-with-anxiety-want-their-friends-to-know/

On The Borderline/ Mental Health

Oh Joy! Answers.

This image pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. I've been lost for a few weeks, in a cycle of episodes, up, down, around, hyper, confused, anxious, excited, It's been a real Borderline Roller Coaster but I knew that soon enough I would have an epiphany. This happens now and again after I… Continue reading Oh Joy! Answers.

Bits and bobs

BPD and Bi-Polar: The Differences

Today is World Bipolar Day . World BipolarDay will be celebrated each year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed as probably having bipolar disorder.

The vision of World Bipolar Day is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and eliminate social stigma. Through international collaboration, the goal of World Bipolar Day is to educate the world population about bipolar disorders that will educate and help improve sensitivity toward the illness.

As you may know I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. The Similarities between BPD & Bipolar mean that they can often be confused with each other.

In this post I look into the differences between the two disorders.

Further to my recent post Misconceptions of BPD I would like to elaborate on another common view people have on the illness, it IS NOT Bi-Polar, there is a difference, now its easy to understand why people connect the two because there are similarities, in this post I would just like to establish how the two differ for those of you who have difficulty understanding.

For one thing, they’re technically different types of disorders. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, whereas BPD is a personality disorder

BPD & Bi-Polar both feature unstable moods.

Bipolar disorder:  The person can go from depression, “the lowest of lows,” to mania, “the highest of highs,” and back again. In mania, the person could “take on the world.” They feel great, they don’t feel a need for sleep, and their activity level could wear out a three year old. (Hypomania is similar to mania, but less…

View original post 279 more words

Bits and bobs

Thrifty Valentine Idea. Give Your Loved One A Break, Absolutely FREE!

If you are struggling to come up with the best and most cost-effective Valentines gifts, here is your saviour.

Give the gift of time for free! With us all tightening our belts and with only a few days left to think of a great present that your other half deserves, it is likely that you’ve started worrying about what you’re going to do?!

When it comes to the perfect gifts is your mind totally blank?  Why not give a gift with a difference? A Gift of Time!

Why not give your Partner a break whilst you do all the Dirty Work! You could Do the Washing, Clean the House..Fix that tap that has been dripping for months, Run her a relaxing bath or clean his car!..

Bridget of the north love coupons, houseworkOr Why Not get creative and make a Chore Cheque Book?  they make a wonderful gift for that special person in your life. Create them by hand or use print some Chore…

View original post 51 more words

Bits and bobs

The Outcome: The Report Of Historical Abuse

This post is a follow-up of My Historical Abuse and My Decision To Report It. Wrote in 2012. I write this now because it's been over 2 years since the court trial ended. I have needed this time to accept it and try to find some closure. My life has moved on in leaps and… Continue reading The Outcome: The Report Of Historical Abuse

Bits and bobs

How Do You Know When You Are Coming Out Of An Episode?

As I wrote just days ago on this blog, I felt so rock-bottom. I was  in despair and horribly confused. I've had many episodes like that, some much worse and I accept my condition and the way it makes me feel. I know that these things will happen from time to time but thankfully, it happens… Continue reading How Do You Know When You Are Coming Out Of An Episode?